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Rope Hop

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    • 2017 Rope Hop $3090 was raised at the MAES Rope Hop. It was given to the, Bring the Barn to School, fund at MASH.
    • Rope Hop Fundraiser! During the month of April we did a funraiser for our Medford Fire Department. We raised $1,894.00 for high-angle rope classes!
    • Ronald McDonald House Penny Drive The RMH Penny Drive was a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who participated. MAES raised $4,922.56! This combined with SES earnings brought the total contribution for the RMH to $6, 667.59. MAES 2nd grade was the winner of the movie.
    • Box Tops for Education Earning cash for your school is easy. Download the app today: https:www.boxtops4eduction.com/s/get-the-app
    • Top Prodigy Scorer in the Nation 4/5/22 Congratulations to Tyce Sperl, 3rd grade student from Mr. Woller's classroom. Tyce is the top Prodigy Math scorer in the Nation!
    • Rope Hop 2022 $1836.00 was raised as a donation to the Wings of Hope organization.
    • Medford Elementary School is a recognized Gold Level School The Wisconsin RtI Center recognized Medford Elementary School at the Gold Level for our multi-level support in Math, Reading, and Behavior. We are one of only 30 schools across the state to be recognized at the Gold Level. 6/8/21
    • Congratulations Mr. Woller's class in winning Prodigy 5 years in a row! WollerVille captured a 5th National Prodigy Math Title in March 2021! The tournament is based on classes with the most correct math problems answered per student in a 3 week period. 459 teams were entered in their bracket nationwide from Canada, Europe, the USA, Australia, and others. This year three of Wollerville's students surpassed 10,000 correct problems. This has never been done before in tournament history. Congratulations AJ Arndt, Parker Ried and Tanner Gebauer! Wollerville took 1st place and Mrs. Patton's class took 9th place putting MAES on the map for being in the top 10 teams.. Congratulations! Great job MAES students!
    • Food Drive for Meals in a Backpack MAES staff and students have found a way to help families in our community this holiday season. Students had a friendly grade-level competition seeing which grade level could donate the most items to our Meals in a Backpack Program. This program is used for students and families within the Medford Area Public School District who need nutritional support over weekends because they don't have access to traditional food support programs in Taylor County. I am excited to announce that MAES families donated over 1200 items to families in need. Thank you to all the families who participated. Our grade level winner was 4th Grade with over 250 items donated! **If you are a family in need of assistance, please contact the MAES office for information on the Meals in a Backpack Program.
    • Christmas Cards to our Military 12/20 For the past three years, MAES has completed a school wide service project that brings holiday cards to soldiers who are away from home, on base, overseas or recovering in local hospitals. This year we?re proudly sending over 250 cards! I am always so amazed with our thoughtful students and staff! (PS: to be mindful, these cards will be quarantined for ten days prior to being sent)
    • Congratulations Mr. Woller's class in winning Prodigy 4 years in a row! 1,394 classes entered this year's Prodigy's Kandi Korn National Math Tournament for grades 3-5. WollerVille had 2 teams entered this year. The WollerVille Wombats and the WollerVille Legends. The tournament ran from Oct. 5th-23rd and is based on the average correct answers per student per team. There are 3 brackets. 1st-2nd, 3rd-5th, and 6th-8th grade. The WollerVille Wombats were crowned National Champions on Oct. 23rd! They had an average student score of 5,996.20 correct answers. 2nd place had 4,664.20. The WollerVille Legends captured 3rd place with a score of 1,377.93 correct answers per student. The Wombats had the highest per-student average across all 3 brackets! AJ Arndt had the highest single player score of 7,997 correct answers over the 3 weeks!
    • Congratulations to Mr. Woller's Third Grade Prodigy Champions! WollerVille captured the 2019 grades 3-5 Prodigy Pumpkin Smash Math Championship this year! The contest had over 2,100 classes from all over the world. WollerVille kids competed for 3 weeks and had an average correct answers per student of 1,710 answers! The second-place team had 1,579. Way to go WOLLERVILLE! 2nd title in 2 years and they will be featured on the Prodigy page along with winning a trophy and certificates..
    • Congratulations Mr. Miller and Mrs. Schumacher Wisconsin Council for the Administrator of Special Services (WCASS) recognized MAES Special Education Teacher Kathy Schumacher and MAES Principal Dan Miller with the WCASS Region 10 Special Education Teacher and Administrator of the Year Award respectively. Both individuals were nominated and chosen for these awards for going above and beyond, innovative work/leadership, initiatives undertaken, and/or unique values the individual contributes/what sets them apart from their peers.
    • Awesome job students, parents and staff! Just over $1000 was raised during the Spare Change can Change Lives coin drive during Autism Awareness Month. The money collected will go towards these great local causes. *Taylor County Autism Support Group *The Village Inclusive Playground *Project Lifesaver
    • 2018 Magazine Sale We earned over $3700. The monies will go towards our PBIS student activities.
    • 2018 Rope Hop We collected a total of $2,217 which went to the Athletic Field Project at MASH. Thank you all for a "hopping good time!"
    • Tab collection Support the Ronald McDonald House: Students are encouraged to bring in pop tabs to Mrs. Heier's room (225) throughout the year. A yearly donation from money received from the pop tabs is presented to the Ronald McDonald House in Marshfield.
    • 2017 Rope Hop $3090 was raised at the MAES Rope Hop. It was given to the, Bring the Barn to School, fund at MASH.
    • Rope Hop Fundraiser! During the month of April we did a funraiser for our Medford Fire Department. We raised $1,894.00 for high-angle rope classes!
    • Ronald McDonald House Penny Drive The RMH Penny Drive was a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who participated. MAES raised $4,922.56! This combined with SES earnings brought the total contribution for the RMH to $6, 667.59. MAES 2nd grade was the winner of the movie.
    • Box Tops for Education Earning cash for your school is easy. Download the app today: https:www.boxtops4eduction.com/s/get-the-app
    • Top Prodigy Scorer in the Nation 4/5/22 Congratulations to Tyce Sperl, 3rd grade student from Mr. Woller's classroom. Tyce is the top Prodigy Math scorer in the Nation!

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  • Medford Area Elementary School
  • 1065 W. Broadway, Medford, WI 54451
  • Phone: 715-748-2316 • Fax: 715-748-2570
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